Oreska - Užice

OPŠTE TEME => Ratna mašinerija => Temu započeo: shadow 24.04.2007. 16:23:08

Naslov: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 24.04.2007. 16:23:08
Background Information

The Groom Lake Base is this top-secret military base located 90 miles north of Las Vegas (which is in Nevada). It's in grid number 51 of the Nevada Test Site, so it's called Area 51. The United States Air Force Flight Test Center controls the base. It's best known for testing exotic aircraft and weapons. The base was created in 1954 as a place to test the secret U-2 spyplane that was used to fly missions over the Soviet Union. Then it started to house the SR-71, A-12 and D-21 drone. The F-117A was tested there, also. In the 1980's the base increased in size, along with the runway (which increased to the present 6 miles). Then, mysterious lights began to appear, and armed guards known as the cammo dudes started patrolling the border. The government closed many viewpoints from which the Area 51 base could be seen. In 1989, a "physicist" named Bob Lazar claimed that he worked at a base south of Area 51 and also claimed that Area 51 was testing extremely advanced aircraft and UFO's they got by trading with the aliens. Since then, Area 51 has been thought to be the test center of captured UFOs because of the lights in the night sky.

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 24.04.2007. 16:23:53

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 24.04.2007. 16:25:25
Hanger 18

The dimensions of the Hanger:

Side 1: 300 feet(about)

Side 2: 300 feet(about)

Height: 100 feet(about)

This hanger could be used anything. Nobody knows what it's really used for, but here are the rumors...

The hanger is really a huge elevator which transports the secret plane Aurora, the Black Manta, and others they are testing to an elaborate underground place.

It houses the Aurora and the Black Manta(but does not transport them anywhere).

It could be a regular hanger.

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 24.04.2007. 16:26:26
The "Long" Runway

You can see the runway in the photo above. It runs through the whole picture. Some people say it's 12 miles long, some say it's 10, but I say it's 6. Of course, in this picture, it looks like it's 24 miles long, and maybe it is. The runway is rumored to be the longest in the world. It's even longer, some people say, than the length required to accomodate the landing of the space shuttle. What could such a long runway be used for? Nobody knows. Again, the rumors:

The Aurora, (or what I think, the scramjet) has a very high touchdown speed and requires a long runway, so the plane doesn't become a heap of trash after it lands.

Alien spaceships, because they are not flying saucers also need a long runway.

What we think is a runway is really a road(even though we photographed planes on it and know that this rumor is false.

The Area 51 guys made a big runway ahead of time, just in case that they might get some advanced technology, and so they would have the space to use it right away.

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 24.04.2007. 16:33:21
The Large Radar Antennaes

Every military base has to have radar antennas to see attacks coming. Area 51 has 2 large radar antennas, some small radar antennas, and other sensors. All those sensors are at the Northern side of the base. It's rumored that the Northern-most radar antenna is the biggest movable antenna in the world. It opperates at a very high power output. The large one almost always points up, but moves once in a while. Why is this important? It isn't. I just put it here to tell you about it.

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 05:53:49

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:01:03
evo nightshoot


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:03:21
ulaz deluje poprilicno naivno sa ovim stop znakom


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:05:09
raspored objekat


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 27.04.2007. 06:08:15
E najtvizn je dobar bas. A meni je najjace sto bas zato sto im je baza toliko tajna, bas zato privlaci gomilu budala amatera da ih prate i spijuniraju. Inace, opste je poznato, da sva prava zagarantovana njihovim ustavom, prestaju kad udjete u zabranjenu zonu.

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:12:27
zanimljivo je da nikad nista nema na fotkama sem pustinje...


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:15:25
jedna od tabli


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 27.04.2007. 06:20:10
O tome pricam...

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:20:41
a ima i gluposti poput ove koja iskoci odmah kada otkucate area51 u google


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: GradjaniN 27.04.2007. 06:22:14
Mozhda je ova baza nekada bila 'ajde da kazhem super-tajna. No da je i danas tako ne bi ovde bilo toliko slika i teksta o njoj. Ovako, dali Amerikanci zainteresovnima da se bave time, jer im vishe i nije dovoljno tajna, a oni su vec napravili neku "Area 52" oblast.

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 27.04.2007. 06:24:03
hahaha, dobro si reko... :)

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:26:51
mozda je u tome stos, ako negiras i cenzurises dizes vecu frku ovako smore se ljudi i sami, ne znam dali postoje slike iz unutrasnjosti baze, i sta bi moglo biti po zemljom, nije da ne golica mastu...

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:28:23
evo fotke hangara 18


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:33:27
imaju i postansko sanduce


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 27.04.2007. 06:34:23
a ima i saljvidzija...


Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 27.04.2007. 06:37:40
Pa ima slika unutrasnjosti, i snimaka. Ja sam gledao na Tv-u... Ali nema slika tih vanzemaljaca. Naravno...

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 28.04.2007. 01:09:23
rekao sam ne po recimo nekom zdravom razumu, ali intriga postoji, deluje mi neverovatno da takva baza zvrji prazna...nisam znao da pstoje snimci unutrasnjosti, pa onda je to druga prica...

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 28.04.2007. 05:26:58
(https://forum.burek.co.yu/Smileys/dodatno/aliendance.gif)  he he he

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 28.04.2007. 05:41:18
Pa postoje i niko nije reko da je prazna. samo na njima nema elijana! :)

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: Kenny 28.04.2007. 06:09:21
ko zna kaku bazu tamo negde imaju, dok ova masti oci javnosti :)
edit: fon Manštajn  zamolicu te da sledeci put stavis umanjenu sliku ili samo link, nemaju svi ovde 512k :P

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: fon Manštajn 28.04.2007. 06:18:40
sorry Kenny i ja sam ti dajlup, imacu to u vidi sledeci put...

Naslov: Odg: Oblast 51
Poruka od: shadow 28.04.2007. 06:25:30
ja isto imam dajlap i sve cupkam dok se otvara slika, fon nemoj to vise da mi radis... :)