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Crew 1,960
Aircrew 626
flagship staff 40
Length 302.3 m
length at waterline 270 m
Beam 72.3 m
beam at waterline 35.4 m
Draft 9.14 m
standard displacement 43,000 tons
full load displacement 55,000 tons
maximum displacement 58,600 tons
steam turbine quantity 2 x 50,000 horsepower
Boilers 8
Propellers 4 fixed pitch propellers
generating capacity turbogenerators 9 x 1,500 kW
generating capacity diesel generators quantity 2 x 50,000 horsepower 6 x 1,500 kW
full speed 29 knots
range at maximum speed 3,850 miles at 29 knots
maximum range speed 18 knots
maximum range 8,500 miles at 18 knots
Endurance 45 days
fixed wing 16 x yakovlev Yak-41M, (Yak-141)
12 x sukhoi Su-27K, (Mikoyan-gurevich MiG-29K)
rotary wing 4 x Ka-27-LD, 18 x Ka-27
PLO, 2 x Ka-27-S
granit antiship missile system 12 launchers 12 antiship missiles
air defence gun-missile adgm systems
klinok adam system 24 launchers
192 vertical launch missiles
kashtan adgm system, 4 command and 8 combat modules 256 ad missiles and 48,000 cartridges
30 mm AK-630 ad gun mount 8 x 6 with 24,000 cartridges
Anti-submarine weapons
Udav-1 integrated A/s and A/t system 60 rockets
electronic systems combat information Centre
aviation combat information centre
fighter aircraft guidance system
navigation complex
radio communications system
space communications system
electronic countermeasures system
active search sonar system capable of detecting torpedoes
Radars air and surface target acquisition radar
Low-flying target acquisition radar
flight control radar
navigation radar
4 gun-missile fire control radars