Ratna avijacija
fon Manštajn:
pa evo malo i o najcesece spominjanim avionima u nas :seljak-smile:
J-22 Orao
Origin: Romania and Yugoslavia
Type: single-seat attack aircraft
Max Speed: 610 kt / 702 mph
Max Range: 460 km / 286 miles
Dimensions: span 9.30 m / 30 ft 6.25 in
length 14.90 m / 48 ft 10.625 in
height 4.52 m / 14 ft 10 in
Weight: empty 5500 kg / 12,125 lb
max. take-off 11080 kg /
24,427 lb
Powerplant: two 2268-kg (5,000-lb) afterburning thrust Turbomecanica/Orao Viper Mk 633-41 turbojets
Armament: two 23-mm GSh-23L two-barrel with 200 rounds per gun; provision for 2800 kg (6,173 Ib) of disposable stores, including AAMs, ASMs, bombs, cluster bombs, weapon dispensers, napalm tanks, rocket-launcher pods and drop tanks, carried on five external hardpoints
G 4 super galeb
Origin: Yugoslavia
Type: basic trainer/light attack aircraft
Max Speed: 491 kt / 665 mph
Max Range: range 1900 km / 1,180 miles
Dimensions: span 9.88 m / 32 ft 5 in
length including probe 12.25 m / 40 ft 2.25 in
height 4.30 m / 14 ft 1.25 in
Weight: empty 3172 kg / 6,993 Ib maximum take-off 6300 kg / 13,889 Ib
Powerplant: one 1814-kg (4,000-lb) dry thrust Rolls Royce Viper Mk 632 turbojet
Armament: provision for one 23-mm GSh-23L two-barrel cannon with 200 rounds;provision for 2053 kg (4,526 Ib) of disposable stores, including AAMs, bombs, cluster bombs, dispenser weapons, napalm tanks, large-calibre rockets, rocket-launcher pods, drop tanks and ECM pods, carried on four external hardpoints
MiG 21 Fishbed
Origin: USSR
Type: multi-role fighter
Max Speed: 1,203 kt / 1,385 mph
Max Range: 1,160 km / 721 miles
Dimensions: span 7.15 m / 23 ft 5.5 in
length 15.76 m / 51 ft 8.5 in
height 4.10 m / 13 ft 5.4 in
Weight: empty 5,200 kg / 11,464 lb
max. take-off 22,925 lb /
10,400 kg
Powerplant: one 7500-kg (16,535-lb) afterburning thrust Tumanskii R-25 turbojet
Armament: one 23-mm GSh-23 two-barrel cannon with 200 rounds, plus four underwing pylons suitable for AA-2 'Atoll' orAA-8 'Aphid' AAMs, UV-16-57 rocket launchers, 500- or 250-kg (1,102- or 551-lb) bombs, S-24 240-mm(9.45-in) air-to-surface rockets, or drop tanks
MiG 29 Fulcrum
Origin: USSR
Type: air-superiority fighter with secondary air-to-ground capability
Max Speed: 1,318 kt / 1,518 mph
Max Range: 1,500 km / 932 miles
Dimensions: span 11.36 m / 37 ft 3.75 in
length 17.32 m / 56 ft 10 in
height 4.7 m / 15 ft 6 in
Weight: empty 10,900 kg / 24,030 lb
max. take-off 18,500 kg /
40,785 lb
Powerplant: two 8300-kg (18,298-lb) afterburning thrust Sarkisov RD-33 turbofans
Armament: one 30-mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds; provision for 3000 kg (6,614 lb) of disposable stores, including up to six AAMs, bombs, cluster bombs, rocket-launcher pods, large-calibre rockets, drop tanks and ECM pods, carried on six external hardpoints
karakteristike F-117 Nighthawk
Primary Function Fighter/attack
Contractor Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co.
Power Plant Two General Electric F404 engines
Length 65 feet, 11 inches (20.3 meters)
Height 12 feet, 5 inches (3.8 meters)
Weight 52,500 pounds (23,625 kilograms)
Wingspan 43 feet, 4 inches (13.3 meters)
Speed High subsonic
Range Unlimited with air refueling
Armament Internal weapons carriage
Two each of:
2 MK84 2000-pound
2 GBU-10 Paveway II
2 GBU-12 Paveway II
2 GBU-27 Paveway III
2 BLU 109
2 Mark 61
Unit Cost $FY98
[Total Program] $122 million
Crew One
Date Deployed 1982
Evo jednog od mojih favorita...
MiG 31
"Type: Interceptor
Powerplants: MiG-31 — Two 151 .9kN (34,170lb) with afterburning Aviadvigatel (now Solovyev) D-30F6 turbofans.
Performance: MiG-31 - Max speed Mach 2.83 or 3000km/h (1,620kt), max speed at sea level 1500km/h (810kt) max cruising speed at altitude Mach 2.35, economical cruising speed Mach 0.85. Time to 32,800ft 7mm 54sec. Service ceiling 67,600ft. Combat radius with four R-33 AAMs and max internal fuel at Mach 2.35 720km (388nm), radius with four R-33s and external fuel at Mach 0.85 1400km (755nm). Ferry range with external fuel 3300km (1780nm). Endurance with external fuel 3hr 35mm.
Weights: MiG-31 — Empty 21,825kg (48,115lb), max takeoff 46,200kg (101 ,850lb).
Dimensions: MiG-31 — Wing span 13.46m (44ft 2in), length 22.69m (74ft 5in), height 6.15m (20ft 2in). Wing area 61.6m2 (663.0sq ft).
Accommodation: Pilot and weapon systems operator in tandem.
Armament: One GSh-6-23 23mm cannon. Four R-33 (M-9 ‘Amos’) long range AAMs carried under the fuselage. Four underwing hard-points (two earlier) can carry two R-40T (AA-6 ‘Acrid’) AAMs on inner pylons and four R-60 (AA-8 ‘Aphid’) AAMs on outboard pylons (carried two in tandem).
Operators: Russia
History: The advanced MiG-31 two seat interceptor is designed to counter low flying strike aircraft and cruise missiles.
Development of this massive interceptor began in the 1970s, although the MiG-31 was first conceived as a single tail swing wing design, and then a tailless canard delta. In the end a design based on the MiG-25 was settled upon and a development aircraft, the Ye-155MP, flew for the first time on September 16 1975. Production MiG-31 ‘Foxhound-A’s were delivered from 1979 and 280 were built to replace Su-15s and MiG-23s.
While the MiG-31’s airframe is based on the MiG-25, it is a really a new aircraft, with several design changes and differences. Unlike the MiG-25, the MiG-31 is powered by afterburning turbofans. Its air frame construction is made up of nickel steel (50%), light alloy (33%) and titanium (16%). The MiG-31 is also the first production aircraft to feature an electronically scanned phased array radar — the SBI 16 Zaslon (‘Flash Dance’) — which is operated from the second cockpit by the dedicated weapon systems operator. It can track up to 10 targets and engage four simultaneously. Via datalink the MiG-31 can be controlled automatically by a ground control interceptor. Other changes include a retractable in-flight refuelling probe (on later production aircraft), an internal gun and tandem main undercarriage.
The improved MiG-31M has been under development since 1984 and has flown in prototype form, but not been ordered into production. It features a new radar, no gun, two centreline hardpoints, R-37 (a derivative of the R-33) and R-77 (PA-1 2) AAM compatibility, a massive 25,000kg (114,638lb) max takeoff weight and three color CRTs in the rear cockpit. One has been observed with wingtip ECM pods. The MiG-31D designation covers new and converted aircraft similar to the M but with the original radar."
(source: Text and/or technical data from The International Directory of Military Aircraft, 1996/97, by Gerard Frawley and Jim Thorn. Published by Aerospace Publications Pty Ltd.)
Length 22.7m
Wingspan 13.464m
Height 6.15m
Weight Empty 21 825kg
Max T/O 101 850kg
Max Speed Mach 2.83
Range 3300km
Ceiling 20 600m
Powerplant two Aviadvigatel D-30F6 turbofans
Thrust 303.8kN
Customers CIS 300
Vlad Dracul:
Ma 29 je carski ;D opet prica o Amerima i Rusima - Ameri pravili F-16 "Fighting Falcon" ili F/A-18 "Hornet" za nekakve idealne uslove, pistu itd. dok MiG-29 "Fulcrum" moze i na livadu ako zatreba :P Nasa avijacija ih ima jos 5 cini mi se da su dogovorili sa Mikoyan (Ruskom komapnijom koja proizvodi MiG avione) da ih servisiraju i doteraju u solidno stanje..
Nije bas za porediti MiG-29 i MiG-31 jer ovaj prvi je multifunkcionalni borbeni avion dok je ovaj drugi presretac (veoma brz - mislim cak najbrzi avion na svetu)
Nije najbrzi avion na svetu, najbrzi je onaj Blackbird americki, spijunski, koji se vise ni ne koristi za vojne potrebe...
Inace, jest mig29 baja, ali mig 31 Foxhaund mi je jak zbog milion drugih stvari. Prava ona sofisticirana tehnologija, russian style! :) Znas da je jedna od njegovih predvidjenih misija za slucaj potencijalnog rata sa amerima da im poobara satelite?
A da, a jaka je isto prica sa diskaverija kad su pravili listu top 20 svih borbenih aviona ikad napravljenih i sad hornet se pojavio na nekom, lupam 13. mestu i tu ti njihov pilot hvali avion, svi ga hvale, prica o tehnologiji koja je ugradjena, skupom helmetu i to... I prica pricu njegov pilot kako je ladnjaka oborio 2 MiG 21 aviona u prvom zalivskom ratu. Sledecu avion, 12. mesto MiG 21! :)) I tu prica jedan rumunski pilot o tome kako su bili pocastvovani u to vreme da lete tim avionom, ali rusi ko rusi, nemaju dovoljno hangara i onda napravili avion koji je cak malo i ruzan, nikakva nepotrebna elektronika, ali zato brale, kaze ovaj pilot, " jeste to sve, zapadna tehnologija, elektronika, ali njima mora avion redovno da se odrzava i kaci na kompove radi dijagnostifikovanja, cuva u specijalnim uslovima a ja ti ustanemo ujutro, ono zima, sve zamrzlo, po pisti i stajanci led, ja se popnem na mog dvaeskeca, ono zaledio i kokpit, udarim cokulom da razbijem led, udjem i samo upalim, ono sve radi ko podmazano! " :D I da, dodali su jos da mu krila i ceo dizajn nisu predvidjeni za duge letove, zato sto su se rusi uvek bojali da ce im piloti prebeci u neku zapadnu zemlju. :)
Inace, vlad, sto da cekamo pedju da nam sredjuje teme? Imam ja jos tema za predlog, samo nemam vremena da se acem trenutno, a ni sati na netu.
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