Reinkjet Grid 24, 2.4 Ghz, 24 dB, grid antena
Polarization: Horizontal or Vertical
Freguency: 2400-2500MHz
Gain: 24dBi
-3dB Beam Width: 8 degres
Front to Back Ratio: 24dB
Impedance: 50 Ohm
Maximum Input Power: 50 Watts
Antenna connector input: N female
VSWR average: <1.5:1
Weight: 4.8kg
Grid Dimensions: 950mmX700mm
Mounting diameter mast: 30mm-50mm
Elevation Angle: 0 to 10 degres
Operating temperature: -40 C to 85 C degres
Wind loading: 200km/h
Postoje i varijante od 20 db i 16 dB