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Autor Tema: Mikrosocf Outlook  (Pročitano 3645 puta)
Alan Ford
« poslato: 22.10.2002. 22:10:45 »

odnedavno sam na Microsoft Outlooku poceo povremeno da dobijam e-mailove iz Srbije na kineskom?! To se do sada nikada nije desavalo, a pocelo je otprilike od kada su mi stavili novi Outlook. Kada mi poruku posalju na tu i recimo hotmail adresu, hotmail je dobije lepo na srpskom a kod mene Outlook pokazuje kineska slova. Ako ja forvardujem taj e-mail na kineskom na hotmail, zadrzava kineska slova?!
Gledao sam setting u Outlooku ali nisam nasao sta bi to moglo da bude uzrok?
Ima li neko ideju?
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 23.10.2002. 00:04:35 »

pocelo je od kada su se kinezi uselili u srbiju, a ne od kada su tebi instalirali novi outlook.

hotmail je visoka tehnologija
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« Odgovor #2 poslato: 23.10.2002. 03:30:18 »

Jesi li siguran da su baš kineska slova? Možda j ećirilica aliti nemaš odgovarajuću podršku? Kada otvoriš poruku pogledaj pod View / Encoding ima li ćiriličnih kodnih strana pa menjaj dok ne dobiješ čitak tekst.

Alan Ford
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 23.10.2002. 06:04:00 »

Pazi kada i mene to najvise buni. Ranije sam umeo da dobijem one znakove, ali sada prava kineska slova. I to ne mogu da provalim pravilo. Jedno od deset e-mailova sa samo jedne adrese mi stigne na kineskom. Na toj adresi se nista nije menjalo a ja sam dobio novi kompjuter pa pretpostavljam da je do mene...Mada kada svratim do Srbije ugazicu par kineza cisto da vidim da nije ono sto Cesa misli.

Sada cu da probam da prenesem deo 'kineskom e-maila' i ovde da vidim da li radi:
Alan Ford
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 23.10.2002. 06:05:38 »

dobro je ispalo...Kao sto vidis ima tu i kinestine, i jevrejstine a pronasao sam i par kukastih krsteva.
« Odgovor #5 poslato: 23.10.2002. 16:03:18 »

Citat: "Alan Ford"
... a pronasao sam i par kukastih krsteva.

krstovi - krstOva. I mora da postoji neki skriveni smisao, nisu oni tu tek tako  :wink:
Alan Ford
« Odgovor #6 poslato: 23.10.2002. 21:20:16 »

pa zato se i raspitujem al za sada nema neke fajde.
provereni korisnici
Poruke: 29

« Odgovor #7 poslato: 25.10.2002. 17:22:26 »

Alane, izgleda da imas problema sa email-ovima pisanim sa podrskom za yu-slova i sa specijalnim znacima. Treba da znas da sa novijim verzijama MS Office-a je sve manje-vise postalo centralizovano pa tako Outlook moze da koristi Word kao editor, onda MS IE za coding/encoding i security i slicno. Zbog toga neka setovanja vezana za Outlook treba uraditi u MS IE-u. Naime promeni setovanja u Exploreru tako sto ces za pocetak ukljuciti "Auto Select" (View/Encoding...). Ako to ne radi probaj da manualno izaberes odgovarajuci set kodova.
Evo malo uputsva, objasnjenja:
About reading and sending messages in other languages
By default, Microsoft Office XP includes support for a number of languages. This means that when you're in Microsoft Outlook, you can read or send messages in these languages. When you receive a message, Outlook knows which character set to use to display the message because the recipient's e-mail program marked it with a language encoding. Likewise, when you create, forward, or reply to a message, Outlook will encode the message.

How Outlook encodes messages depends on which version of Microsoft Internet Explorer you're using. With Internet Explorer 5.5, Outlook evaluates the text in the message, automatically selects the encoding that can display all characters in the message, and then marks the message with that information. However, for some languages, more than one encoding can display its character set. In this case, Outlook uses the preferred encoding that's specified for your computer. With versions of Internet Explorer earlier than 5.5, or with other browsers, Outlook automatically marks the message with the preferred encoding that's specified for your computer instead of selecting the encoding based on the characters in the message.

Sometimes the preferred encoding won't work for a specific character set. In this case, you need to change the encoding for that specific message. For example, if your preferred setting is Western European and you want to send Greek text, you need to select Greek (Windows ) to manually apply the encoding to the message.


To correctly display Web pages encoded in any language

Most Web pages contain information that tells the browser what language encoding (the language and character set) to use.

If the page does not include that information, and you have the Language Encoding Auto-Select feature on, Internet Explorer can usually determine the appropriate language encoding.

To turn Auto-Select on

On the View menu in Internet Explorer, point to Encoding, and then make sure Auto-Select has a check mark. If it doesn't, select it.
If you are prompted to download language support components, click Download.

If Auto-Select cannot determine the correct language encoding, and you know what language encoding it should be, you can manually select it.

To select the language encoding for a Web page

On the View menu, point to Encoding, point to More, and then click the appropriate language.
If you are prompted to download language support components, click Download.


If the Auto-Select feature or a specific language pack is not installed on your computer, Internet Explorer prompts you to download the files as needed.
Adding languages does not guarantee that your computer has a font that can display Web pages in your preferred languages. To be prompted when fonts need to be added, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options, click the Advanced tab, and then select the Enable Install On Demand check box. Or you can download a Multilanguage support pack to display pages in this language.
You can add a Language Encoding button to your toolbar to make switching between languages quicker.

Ako ti ovo sve ne radi onda posiljaocu "problematicnog" email-a reci da promeni karakter set na "Western" ili da setuje MIME/none.

Nadam se da ce to ovo pomoci.
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