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Autor Tema: World Summit Youth Award  (Pročitano 2638 puta)
provereni korisnici
stara kajla
Pol: Muškarac
Ime i prezime:
Peđa Supurović
Mesto: Užice
Lokacija: Crna dama
Država: Srbija
FaceBook: ima
Blog: ima
Horoskop: Strelac
Poruke: 12963

« poslato: 04.08.2005. 18:57:13 »

Mozda neko ima zainteresovan da ucestvuje? Ako treba tehnicka podrska tu smo.


Do you have a cool emerging project on the web? Are you a young
designer, web developer, music producer or artist looking for
international exposure?

Are you passionate about using technology for social change? Enter the
World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) today and showcase your project to the world! WSYA is an international competition for youth-led (under 27
years of age) projects that bridge the content gap in the emerging
Information Society. It is the first global "youth for youth"
initiative; promoting best practice in e-content and technological
creativity and demonstrating young people's potential to create digital
opportunities.  WSYA is not only a showcase to the world for young
designers, technologists and e-content creators, it also contributes on
a global scale to reducing poverty, protecting the environment, sharing
knowledge and empowering marginalized young people.

The WSYA Categories are Development, Creativity & Culture and Community Engagement and the online application process at is open until midnight (GMT) on September 18, 2005.  WSYA is a joint venture of the World Summit Award ( and the WSIS Youth Caucus (

Note that only online projects led by youth under 27 years of age are
eligible.  We've received many requests for assistance but we ask that
only eligible applicants with an online project or website apply.  The
applications will close on midnight (GMT), September 18, 2005.

News will be updated at so stay tuned.  Please contact Alex Fielding (fielding(at) or Thomas Biebl (biebl(at) if you have any questions or want to get involved!

provereni korisnici
Pol: Muškarac
Mesto: Užice
Poruke: 531

« Odgovor #1 poslato: 04.08.2005. 19:54:22 »

Eh ovaj bogatiji svet i njihovi fondovi... Stalno imaju neke seminare i nešto organizuju sve kao da se proširi tolerancija , suzbije siromaštvo prevaziđu razlike... Sve to tako lepo zvuči ali u globalnom planu to je tako sitno i nevidljivo , to je bar moj utisak koji sam stekao baš na takvom  okupljanu slične tematike. Ovo je cool zato što guraju malo informacione tehnologije ali kao što  rekoh , čini mi se da nema krupnijeg efekta na globlanu svest ljudi ovih siromašnijih područja...

Weil eigentlich ist dieses Leben etwas Hässliches.
Ich hasse es, also nehme ich und zerbreche ich es.
provereni korisnici
stara kajla
Pol: Muškarac
Ime i prezime:
Peđa Supurović
Mesto: Užice
Lokacija: Crna dama
Država: Srbija
FaceBook: ima
Blog: ima
Horoskop: Strelac
Poruke: 12963

« Odgovor #2 poslato: 04.08.2005. 20:04:47 »

Kako bilo ovo je prilika da se ljudi koji vrede probiju u javnosti. Mislim da bi Provera mikrofona mogla da konkurise na tako nesto a ima i dovoljno vremena da se osmisli i napravi i nesto sasvim novo.

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